The latest Bandspread newsletter is here.
IN PERSON MEETINGS ARE ON! We will be at Zion Lutheran Church, 201 Main Street in Hiawatha. We have social time starting at 6:00pm central time, with the official meeting starting at 7:00pm.
We’ll also be on Zoom (presuming the tech gods smile upon us). Here is the Zoom link for our meetings.
If that link doesn’t get you to the meeting, check meeting information sent by email or Facebook group. We have to change the link every six meetings, and the website is always the last thing we update.
The Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club (CVARC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the state of Iowa. Our mission is to promote amateur radio activities in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa regional area. Our organization is dedicated to:
- Promoting interest in radio as a means of communication
- Providing educational programs and exhibits
- Contributing, in general, to the advancement of radio communications
- Training radio operators in the interest of national defense and emergencies
- Supplying and operating communication equipment during emergencies and as a general public service
- Assisting with elimination of interference to radio and television reception from all sources and particularly from amateur radio and communications equipment
As a function of these goals, CVARC is affliated and works closely with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Linn County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), and the Linn County Emergency Management Agency (EMA).
We also maintain a Facebook page: Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club. Please feel free to join. We trade lots of technical and current event information.