Saturday | ||||
Forum Room 1 | Forum Room 2 | |||
9:00 | Paul Cowley | LiFePO4 batteries for Amateur Radio | Lelia Garner | ARES |
10:00 | Rod Blocksome | Ham Radio and the Search for Amelia Earhardt | Paul Cowley | Iowa Repeater Council |
11:00 | Art Zygielbaum | ARRL Report | ||
12:00 | Barry Beulow | Intro to KiCAD | Tim Snodgrass | Ionospheric refraction as a function of frequency and time |
1:00 | Jeff Woods | 17,000 Miles on the High Seas – A Radio Adventure | Bill Caldwell | Emerging Technology Impacting Amateur Radio |
2:00 | Barry Beulow | Show and Tell of Homebrew Radios | Joe Eisenberg | 3D Printing |
3:00 | Troop 40 | Radio Scouting | ||
Sunday | ||||
Forum Room 1 | ||||
9:00 | Rod Blocksome | CVARC Antenna Ranging Tests | ||
10:00 | Mark Kovalan | Antique Radio | ||
11:00 | Phil Legate | Breathing Life Into Your Old Transmitter | ||
Author: David Cripe
2021 CVARC Hamfest Forum Schedule and Information
Saturday 9:00 | Steve White | The Cedar Valley ARC will be starting an Extra Class licensing class in August. Steve presents a quick overview of what to expect. |
George Cooley | George presents a fascinating overview of how to activate Summits On the Air. | |
10:00 | Tim Snodgrass | “Breaking Free of the Solar Cycle” – Tim presents results of groundbreaking research on the true nature of HF propagation. |
Dan Roesler | Report from the Cedar Rapids Chapter of the IEEE | |
11:00 | Rod Blocksome | On Sunday, Rod will be holding antenna field tests of your 2M mobile and portable rigs! This class tells you what you need to know to participate. |
Eric Watson | How to make your own custom DMR Codeplug! | |
12:00 | John Ely | Our local digital radio expert reviews the Yaesu System Fusion and Wires-X |
Gregg Lind | Gregg demonstrates the Coherer – an early radio detector. You will have a chance to build your own! | |
1:00 | Virginia Smith | Virginia presents a fascinating history of the telegraph, and how it became the CW radio we know today. |
Paul Cowley | Report from the Iowa Repeater Council | |
2:00 | Troop 40 | Mount Vernon Boy Scouts relate their latest adventures in Radio Scouting |
Lelia Garner | Lelia presents the report from ARES | |
3:00 | Paul Cowley | NanoVNA – What it is, and why you need one! |
Art Zygielbaum | Report from ARRL Midwest Division Manager | |
Sunday 9:00 | Mark Kovalan | Mark presents a history of early radio |
10:00 | Joe Eisenberg | 3D Printing in the Hamshack |
11:00 | Bill Caldwell | GNU Radio – a loe cost open source SDR development tool |
12:00 | Barry Beulow | Homebrew Radio Show and Tell |
1:00 | Dan Roesler | Derecho Response – an Amateur Radio Case Study |
2:00 | David Cripe | Building the Next Generation of Hams |
Make It/Take It at the Hamfest!
There will be TWO Maker activities at the Hamfest this year. Tools and assistance will be provided. Kits may be purchased at the event.
The first will be the NEW kit from Four State QRP Group – the End-Fed Half Wave Antenna Experimenter’s Board. This is a generic board with multiple possible user configurations permitting many circuits to be tried. Builders will receive the board and components, which, when connected to a wire, will make a multi-band antenna! Cost of this kit will be $20

Our second build kit is the ‘Humanalight’. This is a kit that was sold by the Ears To Our World Foundation, and is a flashlight circuit capable of running from depleted AA batteries. Cost of this kit will be $10

Following the Hamfest on Saturday August 7, we will be hosting a Banquet at the Central City American Legion, 6 Central City Road, Central City Iowa. This will be a catered, buffet-style event, with a menu of
Two meats – Pork Loin and Chicken Breast
Veggie – Corn
Party Potatoes
Drinks – Water, Tea, Lemonade
Salad – Sweet and Sour Pasta Salad.
The Legion Hall will open at 5:00 with a Social Hour with cash bar. Dinner will be served at 6:00. and our After-Dinner activities will begin at 7:00pm.
ARRL Midwestern Division Director Art Zygielbaum, K0AIZ and Iowa Section manager Lelia Garner WA0UIG will have a brief discussion of strategies for new ham recruitment and retention, followed by a recognition and awards ceremony.
Our Keynote Speaker will be Guy West, N0MMA, presenting “World Adventures in Radio” – an overview of his international radio adventures. It will be a fascinating presentation for all audiences.
We require a head count for the banquet NO LATER THAN JULY 24. Please contact Christopher Caldwell at to make reservations.
2-Meter Mobile/Portable Antenna Range Measurements
The Cedar Valley ARC Hamfest and ARRL Iowa State Convention will feature a new event this
year. We will be conducting field measurements on two types of 2-meter FM stations: Mobile
and Handheld transceivers.
The large area available at our venue makes this endeavor possible. The tests will be conducted
starting at 1:00 PM Sunday Aug. 8th by retired RF engineer Rod Blocksome, K0DAS. Two types of
tests are planned: Azimuth antenna pattern for mobile stations and effective radiated power
(EIRP) for both mobile and handheld radios. The results will later be computed, plotted, and
emailed to the owners as well as published by CVARC. The test frequency will be 146.58
The results will provide insight into the best antennas and mounting configurations for various
radios. All who wish to have their radios measured must attend Rod’s forum (earlier in the day)
on this subject in order to register, record their radio/antenna data, and be briefed on the
measurement process.
Amelia Earhart Listening Tests
Members of the Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club have been providing assistance to the Nauticos Group in their search for Amelia Earhart. Part of this has been to use the signal reports of Navy ships in the vicinity of Earhart’s disappearance, along with known ionospheric conditions of the date, to attempt to predict her location at the time.
One of the activities at the CVARC Hamfest will be listening tests to refine our predictions. The idea is to use paired up Earhart simulated transmissions at known S/N levels from our database. These will take place Saturday beginning at 9:00 in a special listening room set aside for this purpose. We would ask each ham to listen and rate which signal in each pair is stronger.
We will also have equipment of the type used during Earhart’s flight on display. This will include a 1930’s RA-1 Rx, WE13C TX, and the Bendix Loop and loop coupler for a static display.