Month: January 2016

January Program by Joe Spinks, AA0KW

Our next meeting is 14 January at Kenwood Park UMC, and the program that night will be a photo tour of the Antique Wireless Museum in NY, presented by Joe Spinks AA0KW. Joe has this to say:

The Antique Wireless Museum begin in 1964 located in a carriage house.  The 3rd generation shared a building with the Historical Society.  They are now in their 4th generation housing, located in their own facility in East Bloomfield, NY.  They are still expanding as their collection continues to grow.

I had two opportunities visiting the Antique Wireless Museum, located in Bloomfield, NY.  The first visit was May of 2013, they had just transitioned into a new facility.  We saw their old building, 3rd generation, they had occupied for many years, which is a tremendous upgrade from where they begin.  Our second visit was in 2014 and they had begun tours at the new facility, 4th generation.  The highlight of this visit was seeing the Collins VOA transmitter which was in their storage area.

This talk will be a photograph tour of their facility showing just a portion of their exhibit and items in storage waiting to show.  My son and wife, neither are hams, went thru the exhibit and both of them really enjoyed the tour.

You can find more information about the museum at this website:

New W0WSV Repeaters

If you regularly monitor the local repeaters in Cedar Rapids you may have noticed a new callsign (W0WSV) on a few of them. Over the past few months we have been working with the Cedar Rapids Repeater Association in their desire to donate their repeaters to CVARC upon dissolving their group.  On January 1 we completed the donation of the repeater equipment from the CRRA to CVARC so the repeater callsigns were changed to CVARC’s second callsign, W0WSV.  The W0WSV callsign was chosen since it has been unused for some time now and also to differentiate the repeaters based on physical location of the equipment.

On behalf of CVARC, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CRRA for the generous donation of equipment and resources to our club.

David, KC0ALC
CVARC Station Trustee