2021 CVARC Hamfest Forum Schedule and Information

Saturday 9:00Steve WhiteThe Cedar Valley ARC will be starting an Extra Class licensing class in August. Steve presents a quick overview of what to expect.
George CooleyGeorge presents a fascinating overview of how to activate Summits On the Air.
10:00Tim Snodgrass“Breaking Free of the Solar Cycle” – Tim presents results of groundbreaking research on the true nature of HF propagation.
Dan RoeslerReport from the Cedar Rapids Chapter of the IEEE
11:00Rod BlocksomeOn Sunday, Rod will be holding antenna field tests of your 2M mobile and portable rigs! This class tells you what you need to know to participate.
Eric WatsonHow to make your own custom DMR Codeplug!
12:00John ElyOur local digital radio expert reviews the Yaesu System Fusion and Wires-X
Gregg LindGregg demonstrates the Coherer – an early radio detector. You will have a chance to build your own!
1:00Virginia SmithVirginia presents a fascinating history of the telegraph, and how it became the CW radio we know today.
Paul CowleyReport from the Iowa Repeater Council
2:00Troop 40Mount Vernon Boy Scouts relate their latest adventures in Radio Scouting
Lelia GarnerLelia presents the report from ARES
3:00Paul CowleyNanoVNA – What it is, and why you need one!
Art ZygielbaumReport from ARRL Midwest Division Manager
Sunday 9:00Mark KovalanMark presents a history of early radio
10:00Joe Eisenberg3D Printing in the Hamshack
11:00Bill CaldwellGNU Radio – a loe cost open source SDR development tool
12:00Barry BeulowHomebrew Radio Show and Tell
1:00Dan RoeslerDerecho Response – an Amateur Radio Case Study
2:00David CripeBuilding the Next Generation of Hams